"To be motivated we must be self-confident, we must believe in ourself, because faith in oneself, faith in others and faith in God, will move mountains in every walk of life ..." There are many …
# “God’s Own Country Still Under Dire Straits…”
# Life has come to a standstill, leading to unforeseen Miseries and Chaos. As I sit down to write, my heart is filled with a lot of emotions, like fear, anxiety, concern and deep sorrow. Its been …
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# “The Wrath Of Nature…”
"God's Own Country Lashed by Mother Nature..." The intensity of the South West Monsoon varies from time to time. And this year it has lashed its fury on God's Own Country. Since the monsoons …
#Get ReadyTo Witness India’s Very Own Olympics On Water-The Nehru Trophy Boat Race!
"Success does not happen, and a Reward does not come, without an Action..." As it's said, you cant reap without sowing. The results you receive are, after tremendous hard work, effort, and conscious …